Cloisters Festival, june 25-26, 2016 Historical Centre, Altamura.

The cloisters have been for centuries places for living together, socializing, showing solidarity and also places that provided defense and even today they represent spaces for sharing the everyday life. The initiative “Festival of the cloisters”, for the city of Altamura, takes on an experimental character and has the aim to promote the spread of voluntary and participatory action, calling for the commitment on the part of all citizens for the regeneration of the old town center, both for the growth of civic sense and for the ability to induce the Altamura community to education and to the preservation of the cultural heritage. The project consists in the conjunction between history, origins and architectural analysis of the cloisters with the participation of researchers-experts on good urban practices and the proposal of theater plays, music, dance, literature and workshop activities.

Do you want to support the festival as a volunteer?
Do you want to adopt a show with a contribution?
Contact us at: or phone 0803143930

Unicorn: “[…] the ideal of extreme purity and spiritual innocence”.

An artistic journey of paintings of animals (real and imaginary) and of various objects symbolizing man’s superstitious beliefs.
The technique used is called “tempera dissolved in the egg white”, a technique which is no longer in use but which the  Altamura artist decided to retake to further highlight the typical light effects of the latter.
The captions for each painting accompany the visitor in this artistic journey to better understand the symbolic message that  every image, either of animal or object, is meant to represent as a good or bad omen.

Festival dei Claustri 25-26 Giugno 2016 Centro Storico, Altamura.

I claustri sono stati per secoli luoghi di vita comune, di socialità, di solidarietà e anche di difesa e anche oggi rappresentano spazi di condivisione del vivere quotidiano. L’iniziativa “Festival dei Claustri”, per la città di Altamura, assume un carattere sperimentale ed ha l’obbiettivo di favorire la diffusione dell’azione volontaria e partecipativa, sollecitando l’impegno da parte dei cittadini per la rigenerazione del borgo antico, per l’accrescimento del senso civico e sia per la capacità di indurre la comunità altamurana all’educazione che per la salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale. Il progetto si articola nella coniugazione tra storia, origini e analisi architettonica dei claustri con la partecipazione di studiosi-esperti di buone pratiche urbane e la proposta di spettacoli teatrali, musicali, di danza, di letteratura e attività laboratoriali.

Vuoi sostenere il festival come volontario?

Vuoi adottare uno spettacolo con un contributo?

Contattaci al:  o al numero 0803143930


eng-flag-flat The cloisters have been for centuries places for living together, socializing, showing solidarity and also places that provided defense and even today they represent spaces for sharing the everyday life. The initiative “Festival of the cloisters”, for the city of Altamura, takes on an experimental character and has the aim to promote the spread of voluntary and participatory action, calling for the commitment on the part of all citizens for the regeneration of the old town center, both for the growth of civic sense and for the ability to induce the Altamura community to education and to the preservation of the cultural heritage. The project consists in the conjunction between history, origins and architectural analysis of the cloisters with the participation of researchers-experts on good urban practices and the proposal of theater plays, music, dance, literature and workshop activities.

Do you want to support the festival as a volunteer?
Do you want to adopt a show with a contribution?
Contact us at: or phone 0803143930

L’Unicorno: “[…] l’ideale di estrema purezza e di candore spirituale” – The Unicorn: “[…] the ideal of extreme purity and spiritual innocence”.

unicorno presidente















A sinistra Pietro Colonna, il Presidente della Pro Loco di Altamura, con l’artista Giuseppe Dilena a destra, che orgogliosamente proteggono un’opera d’arte che è stata tanto apprezzata.

eng-flag-flat  To the left Mr. Pietro Colonna, the President of Altamura Pro Loco, with the artist Giuseppe Dilena to the right, proudly protecting a work of art that has been highly appreciated.

Un viaggio sulla Superstizione nel Medioevo

Un percorso artistico di dipinti di animali (reali e immaginari) e oggetti vari che simboleggiavano le credenze superstiziose dell’uomo.
La tecnica usata si chiama “tempera sciolta nella chiara dell’uovo”, una tecnica ormai non più in uso ma che l’artista altamurano ha voluto riprendere per mettere maggiormente in risalto gli effetti di luce tipici di tale modalità.

Le didascalie per ogni dipinto accompagnano il visitatore in questo viaggio artistico a comprendere il messaggio simbolico che ogni immagine, sia di animale o di oggetto, vuole rappresentare come espressione di buon o cattivo augurio.




eng-flag-flat  An artistic journey of paintings of animals (real and imaginary) and of various objects symbolizing man’s superstitious beliefs.
The technique used is called “tempera dissolved in the egg white”, a technique which is no longer in use but which the  Altamura artist decided to retake to further highlight the typical light effects of the latter.
The captions for each painting accompany the visitor in this artistic journey to better understand the symbolic message that  every image, either of animal or object, is meant to represent as a good or bad omen.


Da destra: Oronzo Petronella (allestitore della mostra), Michele Tota (curatore della mostra) e Saverio Mascolo (assessore alla cultura e allo sport).

Frederick II of Swabia and ……. Federicus.

eng-flag-flat Frederick II of Swabia, King of Germany from 1212 to 1220 and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, belonging to the noble family of the Hohenstaufen of Swabia (an historic and linguistic region of Germany, situated in the Baden-Wurttemberg state ) was the re-founder of Altamura, a city of the province of Bari (in Apulia-Italy). According to the legend, Altamura, situated on a deserted and inhabited hill, already destroyed by Orlando, was rebuilt by Frederick of Swabia in the XIII century. Today it is known throughout Europe for both its Frederick’s Cathedral (an important example of Apulian Romanesque in Gothic style), and for the paleontological findings of international interest, such as the Man of Altamura and the Quarry of Dinosaurs . Altamura is also known for the production of the typical PDO bread, (Protected Designation of Origin). The emperor ordered the construction of the majestic Cathedral (1232) and, under his pressure, in 1248, Pope Innocent IV excluded the jurisdiction of the bishops and made the cathedral a “Palatine Church”, equivalent to a palace chapel.

Altamura on the border with Matera, the city famous for its Sassi, is a rural and agricultural center with important workshops, bakeries, food industries, industries for the production of sofas for living rooms, as well as plastic materials for decoration and furnishings, industries for the production of assembly accessories for the automotive sector intended for industrial vehicles, light vehicles and telescopic vehicles, both agricultural and special ones. . Through Federicus, a medieval festival of historical commemoration in honor of Frederick II of Swabia, it is offered an adequate opportunity to study and reconstruct the time of Frederick II, as well as a valuable opportunity so that the artistic and creative potential of Murgia may be expressed. The event will take place in Altamura from 23 to 25 of April 2016, and it has an evocative value because it intends to remember or to present again an historical figure and the era in which he lived, allocating the attention both to the spectacular aspect and to the historical accuracy. The event offers exhibitions, collective art exhibitions, debates, book presentations. And also the Museum of Torture, the Palio of San Marco, as well as parades, medieval markets, games, camps, falconry shows, performances along the streets of the ancient center of drummers, flag bearers and archers, jugglers and fire eaters, comedians, jugglers, singers , medieval musicians and dancers.
Event information

Federicus 2016: Vernissage “Superstizione nel Medioevo”.

La S.V. è invitata a partecipare al vernisssage che avrà luogo presso la Pro-Loco.

Moderatore: Dott. Onofrio Bruno – giornalista.

Relatori: Dott. Pietro Colonna – Presidente Pro-Loco
Prof.ssa Anna Cornacchia – docente Liceo Classico “Cagnazzi” – Altamura.

Federicus 2016: Preview “Superstition in the Middle Ages”.

The cultural event will see the inauguration of an art exhibition with a conference-debate on superstition in the Middle Ages.