Il venerdì del dialetto


Presentazione del Calendario di “Altamura Ieri” le 4 Stagioni del Dialetto.

Recita di poesie, stornelli e proverbi secondo il calendario.

Fabulatori Adulti.

Alunni della scuola primaria Roncalli.



Tragicommedia rappresentata dalla compagnia teatrale “I Comunicattori” nell’ambito delle iniziative sulla Giornata della Memoria.

Autore e regia: Nicola Scalera;


TEATRO MERCADANTE – Domenica 29/01/2017

1° Spettacolo : Ingresso 17:30, Sipario 18:00

2° Spettacolo : Ingresso 17:30, Sipario 18:00




Il Portale della Cattedrale di Altamura

Siamo lieti di invitarVi all’inaugurazione della

Rassegna fotografica

“Il Portale della Cattedrale di Altamura e la sua Religiosità”

a cura di Michele Tota

Lunedì 28 Novembre 2016 ore 18:30

presso la Pro Loco – Piazza Repubblica 10 – Altamura


  • Saluti: Prof: Giacinto Forte – Sindaco Comune di Altamura
  • don Vito Colonna – Presidente Capitolo Cattedrale
  • don Nunzio Falcicchio – Direttore Ufficio Beni Culturali
  • presentazione: Michele Tota – Curatore della Rassgna
  • relatore: Francesco Giaconella – Dottore di ricerca
  • coordinatore: dott. Pietro Colonna – Presidente “Pro Loco” Altamura

Vino a



Rappresentazione teatrale – Dibattito e Degustazione del vino primitivo delle cantine:


Sabato, 5 Novembre, ore 20:00 – Teatro Mercadante – Altamura

Amatriciana per Amatrice – Pranzo di solidarietà

La ProLoco di Altamura, organizza un pranzo di solidarietà per Amatrice, colpita dal terremoto. Questo si terrà il giorno 17/09/2016 alle ore 13:00, presso il ristorante “Alla Povera Vita” in P.zza Marconi, 4. Per prenotazioni presentarsi entro il giorno 14/09/2016 presso la ProLoco di Altamura in P.zza Repubblica, 10/11.
Vi ringraziamo in anticipo per la vostra risposta solidale.

Rassegna cinematografica

La Proloco di Altamura, con il patrocinio del Comune di Altamura presenta


“Registi Pugliesi”

rassegna cinematografica dedicata al territorio

Tutti i film saranno proiettati in Piazza della Repubblica (fronte Proloco)

Qui di seguito i film in programmazione:

Mio Cognato 
di Alessantro Piva, 2002
sabato 16 Luglio, ore 21:00

Del Perduto Amore
di Michele Placido, 1998
domenica 17 luglio, ore 21:00
ospite l’attrice Cinzia Clemente

L’anima Gemella
di Sergio Rubini
sabato 23 Luglio, ore 21:00

Sogno di una Morte di Mezza Estate
di Pippo Mezzapesa, 2007
domenica 24 Luglio, ore 21:00

Il Papocchio 
di Renzo Arbore, 1980
sabato 30 luglio, ore 21:00

La Capa Gira
di Alessandro Piva, 1999
domenica 31 luglio, ore 21:00



PALAZZOVITIDEANGELIS-300x200This is perhaps the oldest palazzo of Altamura, and surely one of the most beautiful. It was probably built in the XV century on a preexisting structure by the will of the feudal lord prince Raimondello Orsini del Balzo. It is adjacent to the most prominent remains of medieval walls and Porta Bari, the only city gate preserved in its former aspect. The extensive three-story building comprises a palace chapel and the wonderful inner courtyard is paved with limestone slabs. A staircase leads up to a turret with Neo-Gothic battlements. Notable are the sumptuous Renaissance portal and the loggia with elegant columns and capitals. One of these capitals exhibits the coat of arms of the De Angelis family that acquired the building immediately after the Del Balzo family and before the Viti family. The latter are still the owners of the palazzo.



palazzomelodia-300x200The palazzo is located in front of the cathedral and overlooks the cathedral square. It was built in the mid-nineteenth century according to the drawings of architect and engineer Orazio Lerario. It is a building in pure neoclassical style. The lower floor counts twelve tall columns, which support a large balcony with ten windows. Always owned by the noble Melodia family, in the early years of the XX century it was bought by the farmer Giuseppe Incampo.






saverio-mercadante-300x200Although it looks rather insignificant from the architectural point of view, it is the birth house of the famous Saverio Mercadante (1795), one of the greatest amongst the Italian composers of the XIX century. It is located opposite the church of San Nicola dei Greci and overlooks Corso Federico II.







PALAZZO-BALDASARRA-3-300x200The palazzo is situated in proximity to Piazza Foggiali and opens onto Via Fratelli Baldassarre. It is a three-story building dating back to the XV century which was almost completely rebuilt in the XVII century. This architectural masterpiece shows many details of artistic importance, such as the wrought iron balcony in Baroque style. It was owned by the eponymous family, having become with time the city’s most eminent family of constructors. The two brothers Michele and Giuseppe are still remembered for their important role in the resistance shown against the siege of Cardinal Ruffo’s troops, in 1799.




palazzovescovile-300x200Leaning against the Arch of the Cathedral. During the second half of the XVIII century it housed the University of Altamura. As attested by a commemorative plaque affixed to the wall, the Royal University of Altamura was founded in 1748 by a decree of King Charles III. It soon became a thriving cultural center and earned the city the sobriquet “Athens of Apulia.” The University was maintained by the “Monte a Moltiplico fund” (ecclesiastical revenues and savings of the lay confraternities) set up in 1619 to erect the Bishop’s palace, never carried out, and used, therefore, for the University as schools fund. With the end of the revolution of 1799 the university shared the dire fate of the conquered and devastated city. In 1811, after a short phase of Goacchino Murat’s reign, the Royal University was closed for good.



palazzogemmis-cagnazzi-300x200This palazzo has a splendid eighteenth-century facade and presents an entrance supported by columns with the coat of arms at the top. The building was the residence of the Cagnazzi family, descendants of Samuel de Samuel (the elder), a Greek nobleman who in 1554 had moved to Altamura from the kingdom of Macedonia. In 1628 a certain Marino Cagnazzi offered Samuel de Samuel (the younger) all of its assets, provided that he would assist him in his old age, add the symbol of a “dog” to his family crest and assumed the name Cagnazzi (De Samuel Cagnazzi) as a second last name. However, those who have brought prestige to the Palace are the two brothers Luca and Giuseppe De Samuel, great representatives of the nobility of Altamura in the late eighteenth century. In 1785 Giuseppe de Samuel, brother of the archdeacon Luigi, married Elisabetta De Gemmis. He bequeathed to his son Ippolito the noble title of the stately building. The heirs of Ippolito and his wife Antoinette Martucci lived in the building throughout the nineteenth century. The recent heirs finally sold the edifice to the Clemente family. Today the palazzo houses the ‘Hotel San Nicola’. The two upper floors have been converted into luxury rooms. The staircase is adorned with a stone artifact depicting St. Nicholas from which the hotel takes its name.



SAVERIO-MERCADANTE-copia-232x300Giuseppe Saverio Raffaele Mercadante is one of the most important Italian composers of the nineteenth century. He was born in 1795 in Altamura and from an early age he began his studies in Naples. The debut took place in 1818; He was, in fact, commissioned to write the dances for the Teatro Saint Carlo. He met with great success, especially in Spain, Portugal and Austria. He became a close friend of Gioacchino Rossini, in 1837 He obtained a great success with The Oath, one of his masterpieces. In 1862 lost his eyesight. He died in 1870. His opera production is very wide. In 1895, one hundred years after his birth, the Altamura inaugurate a new theater dedicated to him. In 2013, after years of neglect, the Mercadante theater is back to shine forth thanks to the Teatro Mercadante Ltd., that after a painstaking and extensive restoration, has return it back to the town.







LUCA-DE-SAMUELE-CAGNAZZI-_-ABMC-200x300He was an historian, a mathematician, an economist, a scientist who was born in Altamura in 1764. He conducted his studies first at the University of his hometown, subsequently at that of Naples, where he graduated. He was mentioned on the list of the most illustrious men of Altamura and he was one of the strongest encyclopedists of his time, but also a lyrical poet and a metaphysician, a geologist and an archaeologist, a theologian and a botanist and a founder, in Italy, of the modern statistical science. He taught first at the University of Florence, at a later time (1806-1821) at the University of Naples. He invented the phonograph, an instrument used for the study of sound vibrations, a copy of which is currently preserved at the Archives Library City Museum of Altamura. Having undergone trial, he died in Naples on 26 September 1852. One of his most important public works was “Leges in Catholic Ecclesia vigentes apto order digestae”. The High School” Liceo Classico” is named after the Archdeacon Luca de Samuel Cagnazzi. The splendid Cagnazzi building, situated near the church of St. Nicholas of the Greeks, is now home to a hotel.






Tommaso-Fiore-228x300Born in Altamura in 1884, He was one of the most important figures of Southern Italy. As a strenuous socialist, he took consistently care of the condition of the laborers of the Southern people. In 1920 he was elected mayor of Altamura and because of his strong anti-fascism campaign he was jailed in 1942. Friend and collaborator of Pietro Nenni, Piero Gobetti and Carlo Rosselli, He was one of the most respected intellectuals of the period. He died in Bari in 1973. His birthplace is located in the cloister Cinfio.









Raffaele-e-Tina-Laudati-300x225Respectively father (Naples 1864-1941) and his daughter (Altamura 1910-2000) represent two of the most distinguished painters in the artistic panorama of their time, in Italy and abroad. Raffaele, a descendant of an old noble family in Altamura, returned to the city of his ancestors at the age of 14 and later, after his father’s death he moved to Naples in order to complete his studies, showing from the beginning great passion for painting. He began with drawing and soon moved to Paris, exercising his talent in caricature, infact he started a collaboration with “La caricatura” and “Charivari”. For a couple of years he resided in London, but soon decided to return to Italy where he studied painting with Morelli and was initiated to pointillism by Previati and Segantini. He is commonly considered one of the most important painters of Apulia of the nineteenth and twentieth century and is remembered as the undisputed master of the representation of light. Among his works we can find, for example: The derelicts, the woman undressing, the self-portrait (1926), Le Maquis de vieux Montmartre (1928). His daughter Tina was influenced by the works of her father as well as by the culture and the cosmopolitan life of Paris, where she studied. She embraced impressionism, a love that even deepened upon her return to Altamura by coming in contact with the popular culture of Apulia. The artist has represented the reality of Altamura, by synthesizing a wide variety of subjects drawn from real life.  With her relocation to Naples she experienced the transition from the early impressionistic aesthetics to a style which saw her givig more attention to graphics. In 1975, with her final return to her native town, she devoted herself to paintings of still life and landscapes of the Murgia, works where it is still remarkable the willingness to represent light. Among her works: The mother and the child (1938), The waiting (1987), A portrait of a woman with a hat, the cityscape and the self-portrait. After a first exhibition of paintings by Rafaele and Tina Laudati in 2009, at the town hall, the definitive place for them is now at the Gallery of the Archive Library Museum of Altamura.